testimony of those who My name is Marco and I am a family man. Me, my wife and my two little girls live in a small house on two floors with a lovely garden. Between work and various savings we managed to put aside some 'money, even if not many, enough to make us a great gift.
We had the idea to change all the bathroom because my wife nagging me for years, saying that "the bathroom is old", "we must fix it" and so saying. For this reason we decided to make the best bathroom furniture shops in the area, but between overpriced and the decor does not convince us that much, so far we have given up.
A friend, almost by chance, we passed the link to the portal on which mondominipiscine.com see some 'real prices, and will not fire the lightning: a 5-seater hot tub with whirlpool and ergonomic panel embedded control. Both me and my wife as soon as we saw, we looked at and a nod of understanding had already defined the whole.
Viewed ease of installation, both inside and outside the house (we chose outside under a gazebo) and the low selling price, we purchased online and in a few days there has been delivered and installed. I did not think he could bring a lot of relaxation and well being of me and my family. Now we have just 5 minutes available, we are always within us to feel the bubbles tickle your whole body.
Francesco da Novara.