LETTER FROM: Soon the new episode ... Dear friends,
unfortunately due to technical problems with my pc I have delayed publishing the very new episode! Also on Facebook have been banned again and I lost many of your contacts, I'm sorry, but does not depend on me, but ill-minded and bigoted to certain people.
FB Fan page changed again and is run by another friend of mine in order to avoid a new bannaggio. If you want to sign up here now:
http://www.facebook.com/home.php? # / Pages/Tippy-La-Hostess-e-il-suo-Blog/110614462306734? Ref = ts On the same page you will find my new contact.
For the rest the next episode is coming soon and maybe even an alternative set devoted to individual characters in comics, even those who are not strong in this series, so if you have suggestions or a sexy comic book character that you would like to become a hero of my stories write them, ok?
are always looking for collaborators to write new episodes together, someone has already arrived and the next episode there will be a contribution, but others look!
A flying kiss to all your
Tippy ....