Thursday, January 6, 2011

Counteract Iron Itchiness

here it is ....

WE ARE OFFICIALLY THE FRUIT is the blog when you were all waiting for. We are really tired of all these fashion bloggers, fashion icon and all of those followers who do nothing but extol the skill and intelligence of people who only know how to make a collage of clothes and put on blogs or photographed in the dressing room with clothes that do not will never wear. We are really tired of this company a victim of the Gaga-style gossip from sciampista of big brother, we are tired of that slice of young people who disgraced everything on facebook and the victims of television voyeurism, bring the target in the bathroom, we are tired of a society mercificante to the point that it was all a copy of everything in which there is no personality and there is no diversity of thought. We want to give a voice in the first place to ourselves and to all those who want to go out from the crowd and say their opinion on any subject, always respecting the freedom, the thought of the atria and the personal life of anyone who shoots in the case. WE ARE THE FRUIT officially born with the intent to talk about our company at 360 °, showing the ugliness, but above all the wonders of our day with the perspective of those who want to be unique, free and know how to think with their minds, all in an ironic frame which is good.

Follow U.S. officially FRUIT and tell us yours.


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