Friday, August 29, 2008

Bad Side Effects Of Biotene Toothpaste

Abelard, Everardo, Berardo

Abelardo and Everardo seem to be two variants of the same Germanic name, which should emanate from words eber (= boar) and hardhu (= value , brave), and the meaning it should therefore be brave as a boar. Alternatively, these names might have made the voice ebar (= prince) with the meaning of brave prince. Abelardo
name is linked to the figure of the philosopher Peter Abelard (XI-XII), clergyman and teacher of logic and dialectic, fierce opponent of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, remembered for the passionate love for Heloise, his student then forced to become an abbess. The female
Abelard refers to the cartoon character of Abelard grandmother, mother must save all that pepper the reign of his grandson by continuous rain and upcoming flights. From its name
Everardo Berardo, which can be celebrated on December 19th, in remembrance of St. Berardo by Pagliara (XI-XII), bishop and now patron of Teramo, while June 22 is remembered sant 'Bishop Eberhard in Salzburg in sec. XII.


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